Invisalign treatment can completely change the appearance of your smile using clear aligners, so that no one will know that you’re straightening your teeth except you. This proven treatment gives you the ability to feel better about your smile, without the stress and discomfort of wearing braces. Treatment times for Invisalign vary, but most people get results in about a year—and they can almost always get them faster than they could have with traditional braces.
As with any dental health treatment, cost is a significant factor in the mind of patients who are considering Invisalign. Choosing the right treatment for you means finding both a treatment that will deliver the results that you want and one that fits into your budget. After patients have decided that they want to pursue Invisalign treatment, they often have several questions about paying for care. These answers to frequently asked questions about paying for Invisalign will help you evaluate your options.
There is no single cost for Invisalign that applies to every patient. Like most medical or dental treatments, there are many different factors that influence the pricing. Some of the common things that could impact the cost of your care are:
Generally, Invisalign costs start around $3,800 and go up to $8,000, or more in some cases. The cost of Invisalign is often slightly higher than traditional braces, however, most people find that the extra expense is worth it to not have to have obvious metal brackets and wires.
Most insurance companies cover at least part of the cost of Invisalign. Typically, they treat Invisalign the same way that they treat traditional braces and cover the same amount of the cost.
Every policy is different, so it’s important to check your plan and ask your dentist’s office to help you understand your plan. Usually, insurance companies will pay between $500 and $1,500 of Invisalign costs. Few plans cover the entire amount, but they offset the cost of care by covering a portion of the treatment.
The final cost of your Invisalign treatment with insurance depends on both the amount that your insurance company covers for orthodontic treatment and how much your overall Invisalign treatment is expected to be.
Your cost for Invisalign will be the amount leftover after your insurance benefits have been applied. Often, you can work out a payment plan for this amount after your insurance company pays their share.
If your dental insurance doesn’t cover Invisalign, or if you don’t have dental insurance, you will be responsible for paying the full cost of treatment. This is the cost that you and your dentist come to after your treatment plan has been mapped out.
You will know the full cost of your treatment up front if you do not have insurance. Your dentist’s office will likely be able to help you understand your other options for paying for your care, including using a credit card to cover your payments. Don’t let the cost of Invisalign without insurance discourage you from getting treatment. Instead, talk to the team at your dentist’s office about the ways that you can cover the costs and get the treatment you need to feel better about your smile.
When you’re considering the cost of Invisalign, it’s important to consider anything outside of the main treatment that could impact the final price. Overcorrection may be a factor in the cost of your treatment.
Invisalign overcorrection refers to the practice of moving teeth slightly past the actual desired final placement. This is done to make allowances for the fact that your teeth will likely move back a little after treatment. With overcorrection, the final placement of your teeth should be the desired place. In some cases, overcorrection aligners are built into the cost, but in other instances, they are not. Be sure to ask your dentist if overcorrection is included in your treatment cost, so you can plan accordingly.
At the office of Pearl Zadeh DDS, we recognize that Invisalign is a major investment, so we make the process of paying for care as easy as possible. You can apply for dental or medical credit cards through 3rd party financing with care credit or lending club.
Are you ready to explore treatment with Invisalign and see what your options are for paying for care? Contact the office of Pearl Zadeh DDS today to learn more. In addition to Invisalign, we offer extensive general and cosmetic dentistry services in Woodland Hills. Call us today at (818) 716-6722 to find out more about Invisalign and all of our services, including holistic dentistry and biomimetic dental care.
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